かかる – How to use as a Compound Verb

Wood man jumping at another woodman

かかる is a verb that you can stick to the end of other verbs to create compound verbs. The first verb in a compound verb usually contains most of the meaning. The second verb adds extra information to the first verb.

かかる by Itself

By itself, かかる is a versatile Japanese verb which can mean to be hanging, cost money, to be hooked to something, or even to be influenced in some way. It is a hard word to find an exact translation for. Depending on the other words being used the meaning can vary quite a bit. The types of words that are used with かかる will determine what it means.


かかる in Compound Verbs

かかる in compound verbs usually have two different meanings.

Be about to do Something

かかる says something is about to happen, is beginning, or almost happened.

(Someone) almost died in a car accident

The sun is starting to rise

Directed Movement toward Something

With some verbs representing movement, adding かかる means that the action is being directed in a certain direction.

A bird attacked me (came at me)

A board is leaning on the wall (falling over in the direction of)



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