聞こえる vs 聞ける – The Meaning of Kikoeru

image of people talking on the phone

When you translate こえる from Japanese to English it means you hear or can hear something. 聞ける is a similar word that also means can hear or can listen. Even if in English these two words are translated similarly, they are used differently.

聞ける – Able to Hear or Listen

聞ける means being able to hear or listen. It is the potential form of the verb 聞く which is to see or listen.


I can listen to music

Just a quick side note on

聞こえる – Be Audible or to Hear something

聞こえる translates as, to be audible. The difference here is that 聞こえる means you just heard something. Not that you were trying to listen.


I can hear birds (literally, bird’s voices)

聞こえる – to Sound like

聞こえる also means that something sounds like, or gives an impression of something else.

It sounds like a joke

So that is the difference between 聞こえる and 聞ける. If you want to learn more Japanese I reviewed a dictionary of grammar series which I personally recommend and use myself.

I also have several other posts on various topics on Japanese Universe if you are interested. 



  1. The Kanji in 聴ける is used when talking about listening to music instead of


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