作る – 7 Japanese Verbs for Making

Illustration of children building a sand castle on the beach

The Japanese word 作る(つくる、)  means to make something.  You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 作る

作り出す つくりだす produce
作り上げる つくりあげる complete a creation; make something up
作り込む つくりこむ perfect something, create in great detail
作り変える つくりかえる Remake
作り置く つくりおく prepare or make something for later
作り分ける つくりわける create separately
作りつける つくりつける install or secure something (such as cabinets to the wall)



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