出す・出る – 19 Japanese Verbs for Taking out and Going out

woman trying to take something out of a piggy bank

The Japanese word 出す(だす、)  means to take out, withdraw, remove and so on.  Next, 出る(でる、) is the intransitive form of 出す and means to appear, come out etc. You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 出す・出る

出し合う だしあう Contribute jointly
出し抜く だしぬく Outwit
出し渋る だししぶる grudgingly give or pay
出し惜しむ だしおしむ Be stingy
出会う であう meet, run into, encounter
出かける でかける go out
出回る でまわる Appear on the market
出向く でむく visit or go somewhere for something
出迎える でむかえる meet or greet someone
出くわす でくわす come across
出遅れる でおくれる get a late start
出揃う でそろう be all present (everything or one that should be there are there)
出歩く であるく go out and take a walk
出っ張る でっぱる Protrude
出直す でなおす make a fresh start; go out again after trying to go out once before
出過ぎる ですぎる to be out too far, for too much to come out, to be too forward
出払う ではらう be all out, have nothing left, be sold out, be all gone
出外れる ではずれる be just outside of somewhere
出盛る でさかる something (produce) to be in season; to be the season for something (tourists)



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