混ざる・混じる・混ぜる – 7 Japanese Verbs for Mixing

The Japanese word 混ぜる(まぜる、) means to mix. It is a transitive verb and it’s intransitive form is Next, 混ざる(まざる、). The word 混じる(まじる、) is similar to 混ざる. The difference is that 混じる generally refers to things mixing together but still being distinguishable and 混ざる is for when they are not. So for example, adding small pieces of chocolate chips here and there in some ice-cream, compared to melting the chips then blending it together with the ice-cream.
Below are some compound verbs created with these verbs. Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.
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Word List for 混ざる・混じる・混ぜる
混ざり合う | まざりあう | mix together or blend together (used for substances such as liquids or ingredients, or other things that result in a single form) |
混ざり込む | まざりこむ | for something unexpected, unwanted, or unusual to bleed into, mix into or join something else |
混じり合う | まじりあう | Commingle |
混ぜ合わせる | まぜあわせる | intermingle with one another, be commingled (for things to mix together but still be distinguishable) |
混ぜ込む | まぜこむ | mix into (transitive, used for mixing ingredient for cooking) |
混ぜ合わせる | まぜあわす | mix together (transitive) |
混ぜ返す | まぜかえす | interrupt someone when speaking to ridicule, make fun or add one’s own little comments |