駆ける – 12 Japanese Verbs for Running, Riding, Rushing, Flying

The Japanese word 駆ける(かける、) means to run, rush, ride and other things related to moving fast based on the context. You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas.
Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.
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駆けずり回る | かけずりまわる | run around busy doing something |
駆けつける | かけつける | rush somewhere |
駆け抜ける | かけぬける | Run through |
駆け込む | かけこむ | Rush in |
駆け巡る | かけめぐる | run about |
駆け寄る | かけよる | run up to |
駆け上がる | かけあがる | run up stairs, a hill etc. |
駆け回る | かけまわる | Run around |
駆け出す | かけだす | bolt or start running |
駆け下りる | かけおりる | run down a hill, stairs etc. |
駆け戻る | かけもどる | rush back |
駆け去る | かけさる | dart off, run away |