蹴る – 11 Japanese Verbs for Kicking

two cats grappling and kicking each-other

The Japanese word 蹴る(ける、)  means to kick. You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 蹴る

蹴散らす・蹴散らかす けちらす・けちらかす Clutter kick-kick about
蹴飛ばす・蹴り飛ばす・蹴っ飛ばす けとばす・けりとばす・けっとばす kick away
蹴落とす・蹴り落とす けおとす・けりおとす kick down, kick below
蹴り上げる けりあげる kick-up or into the air
蹴破る・蹴り破る けやぶる・けりやぶる break by kicking, kick down or open
蹴りつける けりつける kick; kick at (someone, something)
蹴り返す けりかえす kick back (ball, etc.), return a kick (kick a person back)
蹴り入れる けりいれる kick something into something else (for example a ball into a goal)
蹴り倒す けりたおす kick down or kick over something
蹴り殺す けりころす Kick to death
蹴り開ける けりあける kick open



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