行く – 16 Japanese Verbs for Going

someone walking, going somewhere with luggage

The Japanese word 行く(いく、)  means to go. You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 行く

行き届く いきとどく・ゆきとどく be attentive to details or take great care of something
行き着く いきつく・ゆきつく reach a destination or end up in a situation
行き交う いきかう Come and go
行き過ぎる いきすぎる go too far or past one’s destination, overdo something
行き渡る いきわたる・ゆきわたる for something to spread or go around
行き詰まる いきづまる・ゆきづまる reach a dead-end or get stuck
行き当たる いきあたる Encounters
行き倒れる いきたおれる collapse and die in the street
行きそびれる いきそびれる Sobireru go
行き違う いきちがう・ゆきつがう pass each other by
行き遅れる いきおくれる be late going somewhere; be late getting married
行き合う いきあう・ゆきあう meet someone by chance
行き止まる ゆきどまる come to a dead-end; don’t go any further
行き悩む ゆきなやむ come to an impasse, not be able to proceed
行き暮れる ゆきくれる for it to get dark out on the way to someone’s destination
行き通う ゆきかう come and go



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