読む – 28 Japanese Verbs for Reading

woman reading a book

 The word for read in Japanese is 読む(よむ、) .  You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas related to reading.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 読む

読み解く よみとく decipher, analyze or read something to deeply understand it
読み返す よみかえす Reread
読み込む よみこむ load computer data or read from computer memory
読み上げる よみあげる Read out loud
読み進める よみすすめる continue reading, to read from one direction (right to left, up to down) to the other
読み替える よみかえる read something with a different pronunciation (for example Kanji); reinterpret some situation a different way (a failure as a success for example)
読み聞かせる よみきかせる Read out loud to someone
読み進む よみすすむ go on reading
読み出す よみだす read out or retrieve data on a computer
読み漁る よみあさる read a large amount of information about something
読みふける よみふける It is absorbed in reading
読み飛ばす よみとばす skim
読み違える よみちがえる Misread
読み比べる よみくらべる read and compare two things
読みこなす よみこなす read and understand something well
読み流す よみながす read something smoothly or to skim
読み通す よみとおす read through to the end
読み誤る よみあやまる misread
読み落とす よみおとす Overlook in reading
読み継ぐ よみつぐ for many readers to read something in succession
読み分ける よみわける Be able to read the same characters differently based on the context
読み飽きる よみあきる I get tired of reading
読み合わせる よみあわせる verify two documents or accounts are the same
読み過ごす よみすごす read over
読みさす よみさす to quit reading something
読み捨てる よみすてる to read something once and never read it again
読み散らす よみちらす to randomly read a bunch of stuff here and there
読み破る よみやぶる read through a difficult book



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