立つ – 30 Japanese Verbs for Standing

Image of a deer standing

 The word for stand in Japanese is 立つ(たつ、) .  You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas related to standing.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 立つ

立ち上げる たちあげる Launch a new venture or boot up a computer or machine
立ち上がる たちあがる stand up
立ち寄る たちよる stop by shortly
立ち向かう たちむかう confront
立ち並ぶ たちならぶ Stand in a row
立ち会う たちあう witness or be present for something
立ち止まる たちどまる stand still
立ち去る たちさる Leave
立ち直る たちなおる recover
立ちはだかる たちはだかる block or obstruct
立ち入る たちいる Intrude
立ち返る たちかえる return or revert back to
立ち上る たちのぼる for smoke, fog etc. rise
立ち尽くす たちつくす stand still to the end (for example seeing someone off until they are out of sight)
立ち込める たちこめる mist, smoke, steam etc. to envolop an area
立ち回る たちまわる walk around
立ち戻る たちもどる return to a place or go back to an idea, conversation etc.
立ち行く たちゆく to keep going or stay viable (for example a business)
立ち塞がる たちふさがる block someone’s way
立ちすくむ たちすくむ Be petrified
立ち遅れる たちおくれる Lag behind
立ち現れる たちあらわれる appear or show up
立ち退く たちのく vacate a house or place
立ち合う たちあう to be a match with a a rival or be present at some event
立ち枯れる たちかれる plants or trees to wither without falling
立ち至る たちいたる get into a situation or reach deeply into a matter (usually negative situation)
立ち働く たちはたらく go about ones work or move about
立ち込む たちこむ Be crowded
立ち騒ぐ たちさわぐ be noisy or in an uproar (example, waves or a crowd)
立ち迷う たちまよう drift around (smoke, fog, mist, or even a smell)



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