寝る – 11 Japanese Verbs for Sleep

cat sleeping

 The word for sleep in Japanese is 寝る(ねる、) .  You can take this word and combine it with other verbs to create a compound verb to express even more specific ideas related to sleeping.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 寝る

寝返る ねがえる turn sides while sleeping
寝転ぶ ねころぶ lie down
寝そべる ねそべる Lie sprawled
寝転がる ねころがる lie down
寝ぼける ねぼける Be half asleep
寝静まる ねしずまる the city going quiet at night when everyone is asleep
寝入る ねいる fall asleep
寝過ごす ねすごす oversleep
寝違える ねちがえる to get aches from sleeping in the wrong position
寝つく ねつく go to sleep
寝腐る ねくさる sleep excessively



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