切る – 30+ Japanese Verbs for Cutting

Image of two samurai getting ready to cut

The basic meaning of the word 切る(きる、) in Japanese is cut. But, it can mean to disconnect, break, interrupt, or the like in the right context. When 切る is used with compound verbs it creates an even more wide range of new concepts.


Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives a close translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 切る

切り替える きりかえる switch (transitive)
切り取る きりとる cut off
切り替わる きりかわる switch (intransitive)
切り開く きりひらく cut open or open up; clear a path
切り出す きりだす break the ice or suddenly bring up a topic
切り捨てる きりすてる truncate or abandon
切り離す きりはなす Detach
切り落とす きりおとす cut off
切り上げる きりあげる round up a number; set an end for a task
切り裂く きりさく cut open or into pieces
切り分ける きりわける cut into slices; isolate an issue by breaking it down
切り込む きりこむ cut into something or metaphorically go deep into something
切り抜く きりぬく cut out
切り抜ける きりぬける cut through or struggle through and issue
切り立つ きりたつ Rise perpendicularly
切り返す きりかえす counterattack
切り詰める きりつめる cut short, reduce expenses
切り刻む きりきざむ Chop up
切り崩す きりくずす cut through (a mountain), undermine an opposing side
切りつける きりつける slash at, engrave
切り倒す きりたおす cut down
切り下げる きりさげる devalue (currency),
切り戻す きりもどす prune back
切り揃える きりそろえる cut pieces into the same size or cut evenly
切りかかる きりかかる assult or attach someone with a sword or knife
切り払う きりはらう clear away trees or brush by cutting
切り殺す きりころす slay or kill by sword
切り結ぶ きりむすぶ Cross swords with
切り回す きりまわす be in charge or manage something like a business
切り下ろす きりおろす Slash downward
切り進む きりすすむ advance or make a path
切り整える きりととのえる cut and tidy up (fingernails, hair, etc.)



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