聞く – 30 Japanese Verbs for Hearing and Listening

guy not listening

聞く(きく、) is the Japanese verb for ask, listen, and hear. It is a common word and there are a few other convenient words that can be created when you use it in a compound verb.
Compound verbs are just two verbs stuck together. If you translate these from Japanese to English there is not always an exact equivalent. However, the list I provided below gives as close of translation or explanation of what the word means.

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Word List for 聞く

聞き取る ききとる catch what someone said
聞き出す ききだす Get information out of a person
聞きつける ききつける to get word of or happen to hear something
聞き入れる ききいれる to listen or agree to
聞き入る ききいる Listen attentively
聞き流す ききながす ignore or listen passively
聞き返す ききかえす Ask again
聞き逃す ききのがす fail to hear
聞き分ける ききわける Identify by sound
聞き込む ききこむ to hear something about or get information about something
聞き及ぶ ききおよぶ to have heard of or hear of something
聞き飽きる ききあきる I get tired of listening
聞き比べる ききくらべる listen and compare
聞き惚れる ききほれる to be absorbed into what someone is listening to
聞き漏らす ききもらす to miss something when listening
聞き知る ききしる to listen and then realize or comprehend something
聞きかじる ききかじる get the gist of something from listening to just a little bit
聞き届ける ききとどける grant a request
聞き違える ききちがえる mishear something
聞きただす ききただす to double check details or verify information about something someone heard
聞きとがめる ききとがめる find fault with what someone says
聞き捨てる ききすてる to brush off what someone said
聞き落とす ききおとす miss something that was heard
聞きなす ききなす to listen and assume something
聞き伝える ききつたえる hear something second hand
聞き置く ききおく to just listen without expressing opinion
聞き合わせる ききあわせる Make inquiries
聞き違う ききちがう mishear
聞き疲れる ききつかれる get tired of hearing
聞き過ごす ききすごす disregard something heard


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