One Hiragana, Short Japanese Words Part 6: まみむめも


A good way to start learning Japanese is through Short Japanese words. Last time we learned はひふへほ This is the next part of a series to introduce Hiragana by teaching words that are only one Hiragana character long.

間(ま) – Gap

is a word that expresses gaps between things or intervals between points in time. It is also used to refer to rooms in houses.

leave a gap between cars (put a space between cars)

身(み) – Body

One way to say body in Japanese is み and written with the kanji .

身につける : to put something on (clothing or otherwise)

無(む) – Nothing

is a word for nothing or nothingness.

目(め) – Eye

The word for eye in Japanese is (め). When you want to talk about eyes, you would just write the kanji as is, 目. In combination with other characters, 目 is often pronounced as もく. It has the meaning of aiming for something.

藻(も) – Algae

(も) translates to algae, seaweed or other plants in the water from English to Japanese.



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