One Hiragana, Short Japanese Words Part 5: はひふへほ

two art model men, and one farted. The other is holding mouth

A good way to start learning Japanese is through Short Japanese words. Last time we learned なにねの This is the next part of a series to introduce Hiragana by teaching words that are only one Hiragana character long.

歯(は) – Tooth

can means tooth or teeth.

を磨く (はをみがく) : to brush one’s teeth

火(ひ) – Fire

Fire in Japanese is ひ and written with the kanji .

花火 (はなび) : Fireworks

麩(ふ) – Wheat Gluten Cake

or お麩 is a food made with wheat gluten.

屁(へ) – Fart

is pronounced へ and means fart. Another word for fart is おなら. 

をひる : to fart
をこく : to fart

帆(ほ) – Sail

(ほ) translates to sail from English to Japanese.

野帆を揚げる(ほをあげる): raise a sail
を下す(ほをおろす): lower a sail



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