One Hiragana, Short Japanese Words Part 3: さ行

image of baby swans in a nest

Short Japanese words are a good way to start learning Japanese. In part one we learned かきくけこ This is part two of a series to introduce Hiragana by teaching words that are only one Hiragana character long.

差(さ) – Difference

image of a scale

(さ) is a word explaining the difference between things. For example numbers, amounts, qualities, and so forth.  (じさ) means the difference in time and take this a step further, 時差ぼけ(じさぼけ) is jetlag.

死(し) – Death

(し) is the word for death in Japanese.

I am afraid of death

巣(す) – Nest

(す) is nest in English. More generally, it refers to anywhere an animal or insect may live. 蜘蛛の巣(くものす) would be a spider web.

背(せ) – Back

(せ) is back. It refers to body someone’s back and can be used also for the back of a chair also. 椅子の背(いすのせ).



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