猫のしくみ – Learning the Essential Parts of a Cat in Japanese

The word for cat in Japanese is 猫(ねこ). This post was inspired by a post I wrote recently about learning short and visual words. It is easier to learn words that you can visualize than those you can’t. Most people can probably visualize a cat. Below is a list of all the essential body parts of a cat. When reading through try to visualize your cat to really help the words stick.
目(め) – Eyes

A cat’s eyes are special. They can see in the dark, they get really thin when it is bright and cat’s also have two sets of eyelids. The word in Japanese for eye is 目(め).
https://japaneseuniverse.com/2024/02/18/pac-man-in-japaneseconcepts-behind-development-to-global-icon/耳(みみ) – Ears

The pointy ears, known as 耳(みみ) in Japanese are one of the cutest parts of a cat. They move and twitch and help the cat express itself.
鼻(はな) – Nose

You can’t have a cat without a nose. The cat’s nose is small, wet and much better at smelling things that humans. The word for it in Japanese is 鼻(はな).
口(くち) – Mouth

The next part is the cat’s mouth known as 口(くち). If a cat opens it’s mouth you can see it’s teeth known as 歯(は) and it’s tough or 舌(した).
髭(ひげ) – Whiskers

The word 髭(ひげ) in Japanese means facial hair. It is also the same words used to refer to a cat’s whiskers.
毛(け) – Hair

Cats are covered in 毛(け、hair). This hair is called fur in English and 毛皮(けがわ) in Japanese. Cats have all sorts of different 柄 (がら、patterns) on their fur.
足(あし) – Feet

Unlike humans, our house dwelling friends have four 足(あし、feet). Actually, in Japanese the front feet are often called 手(て、hands).
An essential part of a cat’s hands and feet are its claws. The word in Japanese is 爪(つめ). This word is used both to refer to claws and nails.
しっぽ – Tail

Finally, one part of a cat that has no equivalent in a human. This part is the tail. In Japanese the word for the tail is しっぽ.