7 Ways Learn Japanese without Flashcards

image of flashcards

Vocabulary is the most time-consuming part of learning Japanese. Using flashcards is one of the most common ways to learn vocabulary. But, not everyone enjoys flashcards. Luckily there are other ways to learn Japanese without flashcards.

1. Create Sentences and Phrases with your Words
2. Connect the Words with images
3. Use a Mindmap to Connect Words
4. Read through the Dictionary
5. Read in Japanese
6. Write Down the Words you Want to Learn
7. Listen to Music

Create Sentences and Phrases

This method is the most time consuming but it also helps you learn grammar. First, gather the words you want to learn. Then create sentences with those words. Finally, listen to the sentences over and over. That’s it!


Some ways you can listen to:
■ Read the words yourself out loud or in your head
■ Paste the words in google translate and listen to the audio
■ record your voice or someone else’s speaking the sentences for you

Connect the Words with Images

Images are easier to remember than concepts. To connect words with images you can either find a picture of the word, or use mnemonics. mnemonics are just visual techniques to remember stuff. 

Examples of how you can use this method:
■ look for pictures online and write the word on those pictures
■ Image someplace as a background. Then add your words to that place as images
■ Paste Images of the words you are learning to some background image

Use a Mind-map to Connect Words

Write down one word in Japanese such as ねこ (cat). Then draw lines from that word and write more words that describe the cat. Such as かわいい(cute), ちいさい(small) ほにゅうるい(mammal), and はやい(quick). You can also write down verbs representing actions that the cat may do such as はしる(run).

Read through the Dictionary

Japanese dictionaries

This method is as simple as it sounds. Just read a Japanese to English dictionary. If you read through it once you won’t learn a lot of words. However, after a few repetitions of this, you will start to recognize words everywhere when you read them. This method does allow you to learn words. But, it is even better to help you remember words quicker after you forget them. 

This was actually a major part of my Japanese studies. You can read about it in Rote Learning by Reading the Dictionary.

Read Something in Japanese

Reading Japanese Texts for Natives was another important and effective method I used to learn Japanese. After learning to read Kanji, you can guess the meaning of lots of Japanese words by just reading them.

So, if you attempt this be sure to put your focus on learning Kanji first. Or, a good website you can try is LingQ. Here, you can access texts in Japanese with audio.

Write Down the Words you Want to Learn

Physically writing down words help you to remember them better than just reading them. All you need to do is decide on the words you want to learn and then write them down several times. If you combine this method with the first one, creating phrases with words, it is an even more powerful tool to learn Japanese.

Listen to Music

Finally, the most enjoyable method is to listen to Japanese music. You won’t learn just by listening but if you search for what the lyrics mean and then listen this will actually help you become better at comprehending Japanese. Singing is not the same as talking. But, you can pick up the intonation and rhythm of Japanese while learning to hear how words are separated from each other. These are the basics of listening comprehension. 

Flashcards are not the only way to learn Japanese. If you enjoy them they are a great way to learn though. The main thing when you learn Japanese is to make sure to stay motivated and do what you enjoy. がんばって!

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