短時間で – 7 Tips to Learn Japanese Fast

Fast movement

Here are 7 tips to learn Japanese fast:

  1. Keep Things Interesting
  2. Multitask
  3. Learn Things in the Right order
  4. Learn Phrases made from Common Words
  5. Take Advantage of Passive Learning
  6. Learn Lots of words you can See and Feel
  7. Use Japanese in your Daily life

1. Keep Things Interesting

First, the most important thing is to keep things interesting. If you are enjoying what you learn it will be easier to learn and keep you motivated to learn more.

楽しく学ぼう – The Method you are most Interested in is The best way to Learn Japanese on your own

2. Multitask

It goes without saying that the more time you have in a day to study, the quicker you will learn Japanese. Like most people you have less time than you would like. If your time seems to be consumed by several things other than Japanese, then you will need to try to study Japanese while doing other things.


The majority of that time then will be made up of listening. If you have a phone, computer or other devices then listen to Japanese audio when cooking, cleaning, or doing other tasks.

3. Learn Things in the Right order

Children learn grammar in a certain order. In short, they learn what is simple first. Kids then build on the knowledge they have to learn more complex grammar.

Anytime you learn something new everything is weird and feels difficult. When learning Japanese there is no exception to this. To make your learning easier and faster, start learning simple words in Japanese.

1. Simple words
2. basic word order and basic phrases
3. Conjunctions
4. Particles, complex clauses, and phrases

4. Learn Phrases made from Common Words

Get a list of frequently used Japanese words. Then string them together in simple phrases. Only try to make the phrases based of the current level of grammar that you understand.

So, if you know that Japanese word order is Subject-Object-Verb, try to make three word sentences. Recycle the words in various phrases.

5. Take Advantage of Passive Learning

Listening while you do other things is one type of passive learning. But, there are other types. I am calling anything that you do where you don’t force your self to remember what you learn to be passive learning.

So, if you open up a dictionary and just read through Japanese words and their English translations as fast as you can, this is passive learning. You are not expecting or even trying to learn all the words. You would be only quickly reading through long enough to register the word and the meaning in your mind and move on.

This kind of learning exposes you to more Japanese than trying to force words on flashcards into your brain. I found when I learned Japanese, I would read a word and forget it. But, every time I came across a word I had seen before I would be more likely to remember it.

Even when I did not remember if I saw a word or not, after reading through a Japanese to English dictionary several times, it became easier and quicker for me to read Japanese in general. I could intuitively understand how the Japanese worked better.

When you learn Japanese, there are many things you need to learn. Pronunciation, meanings of words, and grammar. The more things you try to remember at once will make it harder to learn. Studying Japanse passively will make things easier to comprehend when you are actively trying to remember vocabulary or grammatical structure.

6. Learn Lots of words you can See and Feel

The more senses you use when learning, the easier it will be to remember. If you try memorizing abstract words it will be harder. Try learning words of things you can see, hear, touch or feel.

りんご - Apple
なし – Pear
すいか – Watermelon
いぬ – Dog
ねこ – Cat
とり – Bird
かみなり – Thunder
うれしい – Happy
はしる – to run

When you learn lots of words that are easy to visualize, you can pair them with words that are less easy to see. Learning like this will help you see the full phrase

りんごがすき - I like apples
なしがきらい  – I dislike pears
いぬとねこがいる – There are dogs and cats

Use Japanese in your Daily life

You don’t need to live in Japan to do this. You just need to have the internet. Whenever you are interested in searching something first try searching it in Japanese. So, if you want to look up information on cats then search ねこ and see what comes up.

As your Japanese improves, do more searches in Japanese. You don’t need to understand everything but just work on trying to do things that you would do in English in Japanese instead of first.

If you are interested in learning Japanese I have reviewed what I consider the best resource for Japanese Grammar below:


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