家族とか – Fluent Japanese Speaker reviews Duolingo Japanese Course #7 – Family 1, Restaurant, Activity 1

This is blog post number 7 of my Duolingo Japanese course review as an advanced Japanese learner.
You can check out my last post here of this series. If you want to read about my entire experience then check out my first post.
What is Covered in the Family 1, Restaurant, Activity 1 Lessons
These three lessons together cover quite a bit. I won’t go over everything but just a few points.
The Family 1 lesson explains the difference between talking about your own family and someone else’s. If you select the Tips for this lesson it has a whole charge of all the different words for family and relatives.
When I went through this lesson it only asked me about brothers, sisters, moms, and dads. The Tips section however shows what to call grandparents and uncles and aunts.
It is impossible to talk about family in Japanese without considering the context. For example, if you are talking about your dad you may say お父さん、父、父上、おやじ and so on. Generally, when talking about someone else’s parents you will say お父さん or お母さん. I think that Duolingo introduced this characteristic of Japanese in a good, simple way. This is actually more of a cultural or social thing than a linguistic rule.
The Restaurant Lesson talks about the words for this and that (この、その), adjectives, the place marker で and about big numbers. It introduced a lot of new concepts.
Finally, the Activity 1 Lesson introduced the Past Tense in Japanese. The Japanese language handles time a little differently than English. Most of the time there is not a big difference but understanding what is different will make it easier to speak Japanese.

My journey through Duolingo as someone who already knows Japanese will continue. In the meantime, I have written a whole other post on using Duolingo for Japanese.