Grade One Kanji 16: 百 文 木 本 名

This is part 16 to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn in grade one. The 5 characters in this post are below:
百 文 木 本 名
The last post in this series is Grade One Kanji 15: 日 入 年 白 八
百 (ひゃく) : One Hundred
百 or ひゃく is the number 100 in Japanese. 百 can also refer to a large number of things in some words.
百年 (ひゃくねん) : One Hundred Years
百かてん (ひゃっかてん) : Department Store
文 (ぶん、もん) : Writing
文 is used in all sorts of words for writing, literature, studying and language.
文字 (もじ) : Letter
文か (ぶんか) : Culture
文学 (ぶんがく) : Literature
木 (き、もく、ぼく) : Tree
木 said as き is the word for trees or wood in Japanese. The character refers to anything wooden.
木よう日 (もくようび) : Thursday
六本木 (ろっぽんぎ) : Roppongi
木せい (もくせい) : Wooden
本 (ほん、もと) : Book, Source
本 when pronounced ほん by itself means book. もと is another way to read this kanji and can mean source or origin. The symbol has other diverse usages such as being a counter for things that are long or cylinder such as pencils or can refer to the main place.
日本 (にほん) : Japan
本とう (ほんとう) : Really
本人 (ほんにん) : Person in Question
本気 (ほんき) : Serious
名 (な、めい) : Name
名 can mean name, or can be used in words to refer to a label.
名まえ (なまえ) : Name
ゆう名 (ゆうめい) : Famous
名なし (ななし) : Nameless
名目 (めいもく) : Nominal
Japanese Ministry of Education