Grade One Kanji 16: 百 文 木 本 名

Grade one Kanji

This is part 16 to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn in grade one. The 5 characters in this post are below:

百 文 木 本 名

The last post in this series is Grade One Kanji 15: 日 入 年 白 八

百 (ひゃく) : One Hundred

or ひゃく is the number 100 in Japanese. 百 can also refer to a large number of things in some words.

百年 (ひゃくねん) : One Hundred Years
百かてん (ひゃっかてん) : Department Store

文 (ぶん、もん) : Writing

is used in all sorts of words for writing, literature, studying and language.

文字 (もじ) : Letter
文か (ぶんか) : Culture
文学 (ぶんがく) : Literature

木 (き、もく、ぼく) : Tree

said as き is the word for trees or wood in Japanese. The character refers to anything wooden.

木よう日 (もくようび) : Thursday
六本木 (ろっぽんぎ) : Roppongi
木せい (もくせい) : Wooden

本 (ほん、もと) : Book, Source

when pronounced ほん by itself means book. もと is another way to read this kanji and can mean source or origin. The symbol has other diverse usages such as being a counter for things that are long or cylinder such as pencils or can refer to the main place.

日本 (にほん) : Japan
本とう (ほんとう) : Really
本人 (ほんにん) : Person in Question
本気 (ほんき) : Serious

名 (な、めい) : Name

can mean name, or can be used in words to refer to a label.

名まえ (なまえ) : Name
ゆう名 (ゆうめい) : Famous
名なし (ななし) : Nameless
名目 (めいもく) : Nominal


Japanese Ministry of Education

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