Grade One Kanji 15: 日 入 年 白 八

Grade one Kanji

This is part 15 to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn in grade one. The 5 characters in this post are below:

日 入 年 白 八

The last post in this series is Grade One Kanji Part 14: 町 天 田 土 二

日 (ひ、にち、じつ) : Day

when said as ひ means sun or day. The character when said にち refers to day of the week, or dates of the month.

日ほん (にほん) : Japan
まい日 (まいにち) : Every day
日よう日 (にちようび) : Sunday

入 (にゅう、い(る)、はい(る)) : Enter

る (はいる) is a verb that means to enter. The kanji can be used to mean entering, joining, or becomeing a part of.

こう入 (こうにゅう) : Purchase
入口 (いりぐち) : Entrance
入力 (にゅうりょく) : Input

年 (とし、ねん) : Year

can mean age or year. Such as a calendar year, or a number of years.

一年 (いちねん) : One Year
年金 (ねんきん) : Pension
青年 (せいねん) : Young Adult

白 (しろ、はく) : White

The color white is (しろ) in Japanese. Words using this kanji have a range of meanings from to notify, being bright or blank.

おも白い (おもしろい) : Interesting
こく白 (こくはく) : Confession
空白 (くうはく) : Blank

八 (はち) : Eight

The number eight is 八 in Japanese.

八月 (はちがつ) : August
八王子 (はちおうじ) : Hachioji City
八年 (はちねん) : Eight Years


Japanese Ministry of Education

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