Grade One Kanji Part 14: 町 天 田 土 二

Grade one Kanji

This is part 14 to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn in grade one. The 5 characters in this post are below:

町 天 田 土 二

The last post in this series is Grade One Kanji Part 13: 大 男 竹 中 虫

町 (まち、ちょう) : Town

(また、ちょう) is town in Japanese.

町村 (ちょうそん) : municipalities
町ない (ちょうない) : Town, Neighborhood
町ちょう (ちょうちょう) : Town Mayor

天 (てん、あめ、あま) : Heaven, Skys

refers to things above. Heaven, sky, paradise even space are some means expressed with 天.

天気 (てんき) : Weather
天のう (てんのう) : Emperor
天ねん (てんねん) : Natural

田 (た、でん) : Rice-field

pronounced た is the word for rice-field. It is used in several different Japanese surnames.

あき田 (あきた) : Akita Prefecture
山田 (やまだ) : Yamada (Surname)

土 (つち、ど、と) : Earth, Soil

is the opposite of 天. It represents earth, soild, dirt, the ground and so on.

土ち (とち) : Land, Soil
土ようび (どようび) : Saturday
ねん土 (ねんど) : Clay

二 (に、ふた(つ)) : Two

in the character in Japanese for the number two.

二ど (にど) : Two Times
二月 (にがつ) : February
十二月 (じゅうにがつ) : December


Japanese Ministry of Education

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