Grade One Kanji Part 13: 大 男 竹 中 虫

This is part 13 to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn in grade one. The 5 characters in this post are below:
大 男 竹 中 虫
The last post in this series is Grade One Kanji 12: 先 早 草 足 村
大 (だい、たい、おお(きい)) : Big
Big, large, huge all are said by the word 大きい.
大学 (だいがく) : University
大男 (おおおとこ) : Giant
大せつ (たいせつ) : Important
男 (おとこ、だん、なん) : Man
男 (おとこ) is male or man in Japanese. In hiragana, it is だん or なん.
大男 (おおおとこ) : Giant
男せい (だんせい) : Male
男女 (だんじょ) : Male and Female
竹 (たけ、ちく) : Bamboo
竹, read たけ is the word for bamboo.
竹林 (ちくりん) : Bamboo forest
中 (なか、ちゅう) : Middle, Center, Inside
One common word and kanji in Japanese is 中. When using the word by itself it is said なか. The meaning can mean anything from middle, center, inside, or interior.
中ごく (ちゅうごく) : China
中しん (ちゅうしん) : Center
と中 (とちゅう) : Half-way
虫 (むし、ちゅう) : Insect, Bug
虫 is a little symbol for all sorts of critters from bugs, insects, and worms.
こん虫 (こんちゅう) : Insect
虫ば (むしば) : Cavity
Japanese Ministry of Education