Grade One Kanji Part 13: 大 男 竹 中 虫

Grade one Kanji

This is part 13 to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn in grade one. The 5 characters in this post are below:

大 男 竹 中 虫

The last post in this series is Grade One Kanji 12: 先 早 草 足 村

大 (だい、たい、おお(きい)) : Big

Big, large, huge all are said by the word きい.

大学 (だいがく) : University
大男 (おおおとこ) : Giant
大せつ (たいせつ) : Important

男 (おとこ、だん、なん) : Man

(おとこ) is male or man in Japanese. In hiragana, it is だん or なん.

大男 (おおおとこ) : Giant
男せい (だんせい) : Male
男女 (だんじょ) : Male and Female

竹 (たけ、ちく) : Bamboo

竹, read たけ is the word for bamboo.

竹林 (ちくりん) : Bamboo forest

中 (なか、ちゅう) : Middle, Center, Inside

One common word and kanji in Japanese is . When using the word by itself it is said なか. The meaning can mean anything from middle, center, inside, or interior.

中ごく (ちゅうごく) : China
中しん (ちゅうしん) : Center
と中 (とちゅう) : Half-way

虫 (むし、ちゅう) : Insect, Bug

is a little symbol for all sorts of critters from bugs, insects, and worms.

こん虫 (こんちゅう) : Insect
虫ば (むしば) : Cavity


Japanese Ministry of Education

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