Grade One Kanji Part 11: 夕 石 赤 千 川

Grade one Kanji

This is the 11th part in a series to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn the first year in elementary school. The 5 characters in this post are below:

夕 石 赤 千 川

The last post in this series is Grade One Kanji Part 10: 人 水 正 生 青

夕 (ゆう、せき) : Evening

refers to the evening and in pronounced ゆう in Japanese.

夕がた (ゆうがた) : Evening
夕しょく (ゆうしょく) : Dinner
夕ひ (ゆうひ) : Evening Sun

石 (いし、せき) : Stone

or いし is stone in Japanese. It is also often pronounced as せき. This character is used in several different words to describe an array of different physical minerals and other hard objects in nature. For example coal, fossils, magnets, meteorites and other hard objects.

石ゆ (せきゆ) : Oil
石川 (いしかわ) : Rock and River
石たん (せきたん) : Coal

赤 (あか、せき) : Red

(あか) or as an adjective 赤い is read in Japanese.

赤字 (あかじ) : Deficit
赤ちゃん (あかちゃん) : Baby
赤十字 (せきじゅうじ) : Red Cross

千 (せん、ち) : Thousand

is one thousand in Japanese. In some kanji combinations it may also mean a large number.

千ば (ちば) : Chiba Prefecture
千ねん (せんねん) : One Thousand Years

川 (かわ、せん) : River

or かわ is river in Japanese. It can also be pronounced in a few words as せん.

石川 (いしかわ) : Rock and River
小川 (おがわ) : Stream
か川 (かせん) : River


Japanese Ministry of Education

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