Grade One Kanji Part 10: 人 水 正 生 青

This is the 10th part in a series to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn the first year in elementary school. The 5 characters in this post are below:
人 水 正 生 青
The previous post in the series is Grade One Kanji Part 9: 出 女 小 上 森
人 (ひと、じん、にん): Person, People
人 or ひと means person or people in Japanese. The character is also pronounced じん or にん.
人口 (じんこう) : Population
三人 (さんにん) : Three People
人げん (にんげん) : Human
水 (みず、すい): Water
Water written 水 is used in many words. It is pronounced みず or すい.
水じゅん (すいじゅん) : Standard
水ようび (すいようび) : Wednesday
水どう (すいどう) : Waterline
正 (せい、しょう、ただ(しい)): Right, Correct
正 (せい、しょう) contains several translations in it. Justice, righteousness, positive, correct and so on are some meanings when the character is used in words.
正しい (ただしい) : Correct
かい正 (かいせい) : Revision
正じき (しょうじき) : Honest
生 (せい、しょう、いき(る)、なま): to live, Raw
生 (せい、しょう) is another kanji with a broad number of ideas in it. It has meanings related to life, living and so on.
せん生 (せんせい) : Teacher
生かつ (せいかつ) : Life, Daily Life
人生 (じんせい) : Life, One’s Life
青 (あお、せい):
青 (あお) is blue in Japanese. It can be pronounced せい also in some words.
青森 (あおもり) : Aomori Prefecture
青ねん (せいねん) : Young Adult
青しゅん (せいしゅん) : Youth, Adolescence
Japanese Ministry of Education