Grade One Kanji Part 9: 出 女 小 上 森

Grade one Kanji

This is the 9th part in a series to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn the first year in elementary school. The 5 characters in this post are below:

出 女 小 上 森

The previous post in the series is Grade One Kanji Part 8: 耳 七 車 手 十

出 (で(る)、しゅつ) : to come out, go out

to come out, emerge, be present, originate from, or appear. These are all the various ideas represented with the kanji . When you see 出 in multi-kanji combinations it will be pronounced しゅつ. As a verb representing the meanings above, it is 出る (でる).

出ぱん (しゅっぱん) : Publication
てい出 (ていしゅつ) : Submission (of a paper)
出えん (しゅつえん) : Apperance in a movie

女 (おんな、じょ) : Woman

(おんな)is woman in Japanese. The character is also pronounced as じょ when used in words.

女の子 (おんなのこ) : Girl
女せい (じょせい) : Female
かの女 (かのじょ) : Her, Girlfriend

小 (ちい(さい)、しょう、こ) : Small

represents anything small. It can be read as 小さい(ちいさい), しょう, or こ.

小さい (ちいさい) : Small
小せつ (しょうせつ) : Novel
小学校 (しょうがっこう) : Elementary School

上 (うえ、じょう) : Up

(うえ) is the word for up or above in Japanese. The kanji is also said as じょう.

上下 (じょうげ) : Top and Bottom
上しょう (じょうしょう) : Ascension
上手 (じょうず) : Skilled

森 (もり、しん) : Forest

pronounced もり is forest in Japanese. When used in combination with other characters it is しん.

森林 (しんりん) : Forest
あお森 (あおもり) : Aomori Prefecture


Japanese Ministry of Education

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