Grade One Kanji Part 8: 耳 七 車 手 十

Grade one Kanji

This is the 8th part in a series to learn the 80 characters Japanese students learn the first year in elementary school. The 5 characters in this post are below:

耳 七 車 手 十

The previous post in the series is Grade One Kanji Part 7: 山 子 四 糸 字

耳 (みみ、じ) : Ear

みみ is ear in Japanese and written with the character.

耳 (みみ) : Ear

七 (しち、なな) : Seven

The number seven in Japanese is しち or なな. The kanji for seven is .

七月 (しちがつ) : July
七にん (ななにん) : Seven People

車 (くるま、しゃ) : Car

車 (くるま) is car in Japanese. This kanji is used in words to represent all sorts of automobiles, trains, or anything with wheels like bikes.

でん車 (でんしゃ) : Train
じどう車 (じどうしゃ) : Automobile
じてん車 (じてんしゃ) : Bicycle

手 (て、しゅ) : Hand

is pronounced て meaning hand. The character also means several things and can represent people in some words, methods in others etc.

右手 (みぎて) : Right Hand
左手 (ひだりて) : Left Hand
あい手 (あいて) : Partner, Companion
せん手 (せんしゅ) : Athlete
手だん (しゅだん) : Method

十 (じゅう、とお) : Ten

Ten is pronounced じゅう in Japanese. It is also とお.

十ぶん (じゅうぶん) : Plenty
十月 (じゅうがつ) : October
十一月 (じゅういちがつ) : November


Japanese Ministry of Education

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