Grade One Kanji Part 7: 山 子 四 糸 字

Grade one Kanji

This is Part 7 of a series for learning grade one kanji. These are the 80 characters Japanese students learn the first year in elementary school. In this post you will learn the following kanji:

山 子 四 糸 字

You can find the previous post in Grade One Kanji Part 6: 五 口 校 左 三

山 (さん、やま) : Mountain

Mountain in Japanese is やま which is written with the kanji . This character is pronounced さん also when it is used in words.

たく山 (たくさん) : a lot
と山 (とざん) : Mountain Climbing
火山 (かざん) : Volcano

子 (こ、し) : Child

is child in Japanese and is said as こ. Another pronunciation is し which is used in some words.

子ども (こども) : Children
子犬 (こいぬ) : Puppy
おんなの子 (おんなのこ) : Girl
おとこの子 (おとこのこ) : Boy

四 (し、よん、よ) : Four

The number four is し, よん or sometimes よ in Japanese.

四月 (しがつ) : April
四こく (しこく) : Shikoku
四き (しき) : Four Seasons
四ほう (しほう) : All Directions, Cardinal Directions

糸 (いと、し) : Thread, Stitch

Thread, stitch, string and the like are all ways to say which is いと.

糸 (いと) : String

字 (じ) : Character, Letter

is a character that represents letters, kanji, characters, etc.

も字 (もじ) : Letter
すう字 (すうじ) : Number
かん字 (かんじ) : Kanji


Japanese Ministry of Education

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