Grade One Kanji Part 5: 金 空 月 犬 見

Grade one Kanji

This is Part 5 of a series for learning grade one kanji. These are the 80 characters Japanese students learn the first year in elementary school. In this post you will learn the following kanji:

金 空 月 犬 見

You can find the previous post in Grade One Kanji Part 4: 学 気 九 休 玉

金 (きん、かね) : Gold, Money

is an important and versatile kanji. If you pronounce it as きん it means gold, かね it means money. Speaking more broadly 金 is used in words to represent metal.
お金 (おかね) : Money
金ゆう (きんゆう) : Finances
ねん金 (ねんきん) : Pension

空 (くう、そら) : Sky

the kanji contains in it the meaning of sky, emptiness, space, and so on. そら is the word for the sky in Japanese. くう is how 空 is pronounced when used in several words.

空かん (くうかん) : Space
空気 (くうき) : Air
空こう (くうこう) : Airport

月 (げつ、つき) : Moon

One basic kanji that you will see often is . つき is the word for moon or month. げつ is another way to pronounce 月 and is the pronunciation used when talking about months of the year.

一月 (いちがつ) : January
六月 (ろくがつ) : June
九月 (くがつ) : September

犬 (けん、いぬ) : Dog

Dog in Japanese is いぬ. it is written with the kanji . The character 犬 in combinations with other kanji is pronounced けん.

あい犬 (あいけん) : Pet dog
こ犬 (こいぬ) : Puppy
まけ犬 (まけいぬ) : Underdog, loser

見 (けん、み(る)) : to look, to see

見る (みる) is the verb for to look or to see in Japanese. When pronounced けん and used in several different words it has several different meanings related to seeing, meeting, thoughts and so on.

い見 (いけん) : Opinion
一見 (いっけん) : Glance
花見 (はなび) : Fireworks


Japanese Ministry of Education

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