Grade One Kanji Part 2: 目 立 力 林 六

Grade one Kanji

This is the second part of a series for learning grade one kanji. These are the 80 characters Japanese students learn the first year in elementary school. In this post you will learn the following kanji:

目 立 力 林 六

You can find the previous post in Grade One Kanji: 一 右 雨 円 王

目(め、もく) : Eye

The word for eye in Japanese is (め). When you want to talk about eyes, you would just write the kanji as is, 目. In combination with other characters, 目 is often pronounced as もく. It has the meaning of aiming for something.

目てき (もくてき) : Aim, Purpose
目ひょう(もくひょう) : Goal, Target
目ざす (めざす) : to aim for

立(た(つ)、りつ) : Stand

立つ(たつ)is a verb in Japanese that means to stand. The kanji pronounced as りつ when on its own. When 立 is used in words it can mean several things such as standing upright, establishing something, or starting something.

立つ (たつ) : to stand
どく立 (どくりつ) : Independence
せい立 (せいりつ) : Realization, Formation, Materialization

力(ちから、りょく) : Power, Strength

Force, power, strength, or function are some explanations of the kanji . This character is pronounced りょく or りき. ちから is the word for power in Japanese and is written with 力.

のう力 (のうりょく) : Ability
ど力 (どりょく) : Effort
きょう力 (きょうりょく) : Cooperation

林(はやし、りん) : Forest, Woods

はやし is forest or woods in Japanese. The character itself is pronounced as りん.

こ林 (こばやし) : Kobayashi (Japanese Surname)
のう林しょう (のうりんしょう) : Department of Agriculture and Forestry
しん林 (しんりん) : Forest, Woods

六(ろく) : Six

六 (ろく) is the number six in Japanese.

六がつ (ろくがつ) : June
六にん (ろくにん) : Six People
六じ (ろくじ) : Six-o-Clock


Japanese Ministry of Education

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