感電 – Learn with Song (Kanden by Kenshi Yonezu)

For this post, we are going to learn Japanese with Kenshi Yonezu’s song, Kanden.
Kenshi Yonezu is one of if not the top musicians in Japan. He is from Tokushima Prefecture and was born in 1991. Before reaching his current level of fame he created Vocaloid songs under the name Hachi on the Japanese streaming website, Niko-Niko Douga.
Lyrics in Japanese Kanden Lyrics by Kenshi Yonezu at Uta-Net 歌ネット
Memorize Words with Memrise
I made a Memrise course based off of the lyrics of his newest song, Kanden. Listing to music or singing over and over plus reviewing flashcards with Memrise is a highly effective way to learn Japanese. You will learn the meaning and how to read the words below:
感電, 往来, 行方, 不明, 回り回って, 虚しい, ハイになる, 吹かし込む, 四輪車, 銀河系, 外れ, 道徳, イカれた, 食べ尽くす, くたばる, 車窓, 情景, 動機, 邪魔くさい, ここいら, 茶化す, 相棒, もう一丁, 洒落にならない, 正論, 暴論, 刹那, 途端, 探し回る, 睡蓮, 境界線, 遣る瀬無い,
Kanden – Kenshi Yonezu, Learn Japanese (Memrise Course)
Few Explanations
ここいら is an antiquated or stylistic way of saying around here.
もう一丁 (もういっちょう)
丁(ちょう) is a measurement word for several concepts such as area, distances, or matches for competitions. Along with that, it is used to count meals and tofu specifically. The phrase もう一丁 then becomes one more time.
刹那 (せつな)
This word often shows up in Yonezu’s music. It means a short amount of time or an instant and originally is a measurement of the smallest possible amount of time in Buddhism.
遣る瀬無い (やるせない)
This is usually written in Hiragana. The emotion expressed through this word is pain, sadness, or hopelessness of not being able to clear one’s mind of some thought.