Fireworks across Japan: Japanese News Summary


The contents for this post were taken from 本来の東京オリンピック開会式に合わせ全国各地で花火打ち上げ. I created a course based on this news article on Memrise. You can learn the vocabulary on Learn these words at Memrise. This course takes the main keywords from the news article so you can learn real Japanese in real context.

News Summary

This year the 2020 Summer Olympics was scheduled to take place in Tokyo Japan between July 24 to August 9. Because of the global COVID-19 Pandemic, the Olympics were postponed for a year.

The Opening Ceremony was supposed to take place at 8:00 pm Japanese Standard Time. An organization in Japan called Nihon Seinen-kaigisho (日本青年会議所、Japan Junior Chamber、Inc.) worked with firework dealers around the country to set-off fireworks at that time.

In order to prevent high crowds, however, there were no announcements made. The intention was for those who just happened to pass by to see.


新型コロナウイルス (shingata korona uirusu) – Novel Coronavirus
感染拡大 (kansen kakudai) – spread of infectious diseases
延期する (enki suru) – to postpone
東京オリンピック (toukyo orinpikku) – Tokyo Olympic
開会式 (kaisai-shiki) – Opening Ceremony
花火業者 (hanabi-gyousha) Firework Dealer
花火を打ち上げる (hanabi wo uchiageru) – to set off fireworks
連携する (renkei suru) – to associate with
コロナ禍 (korona-ka) – Coronavirus crisis
60発 (rokujuppatsu) – 60 shots (of fireworks)
夜空 (yozora) – Night Sky
彩る (irodoru) – to colorize, to decorate
見物する (kenbutsu suru) – to go sight-seeing
対策 (taisaku) – countermeasure
密集する (misshuu suru) – to crowd
照らす (terasu) – illuminate
見上げる (miageru) – to lookup
撮影 (satsuei) – filming, taking pictures
格別 (kakubetsu) – particularly
観戦チケット (kensen-chiketto) – game ticket
開催 (kaisai) – opening
各地 (kakuchi) – various places


Original Article – NHK
Learn these words at Memrise

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